Delivered to the Point of Install
We have partnered with Zonzini UK to ensure all our products are delivered by experts to the point of install; rather than being left on your doorstep.
Our heat battery products weigh up to 200kg and can be very difficult to maneuver without specialist equipment and training. Zonzini are specialist in moving heavy equipment up stairs and in tight spaces to ensure your purchase is delivered safely and without any damage to where it is needed.
Using the Zonzini Domino and Skipper enables our deliveries to be completed up all kinds of carpeted, wood, marble, tiled, spiral and outside stairways.
Each delivery uses a dedicated vehicle to ensure there are no mixed loads and rushed deliveries. Each delivery is solely concentrated on making sure your purchase arrives safely.
All equipment is LOLER certified and the handlers are fully trained with full CSCS for building site work and PUWER regulated.